St. Patrick’s Day!

Bethany Athletic Club 15670 NW Central Drive, Portland, United States

Bring one free guest to class!

Body Pump 128

Bethany Athletic Club 15670 NW Central Drive, Portland, United States

Bring one free guest to class! Where: BAC GX Room Instructors: Allie, Diane, Kari, Samantha, Wendy B.  

Body Balance 103

Bethany Athletic Club 15670 NW Central Drive, Portland, United States

Bring one free guest to class! Where: BAC GX Room Instructors: Samantha and Wendy B.  

Body Combat 98

Bethany Athletic Club 15670 NW Central Drive, Portland, United States

Bring one free guest to class! Where: BAC GX Room Instructor: Richard  

Cinco De Mayo: Max Cardio

Bethany Athletic Club 15670 NW Central Drive, Portland, United States

Honoring Cinco de Mayo with a class offering cultural music, sombreros, and your favorite instructors. 5x5 circuit: 5 stations w/ 5mins at each. We are also welcoming Mallory back from her 3-month sabbatical in New Zealand. Members may bring one free guest. When: Sunday, May 5th at 9AM Where: GX Room Instructors: Mallory, Rae, Wendy H.

BAC Anniversary Week!

Bethany Athletic Club 15670 NW Central Drive, Portland, United States

Celebrate 9 years of BAC with a week of special events and activities at the club – ending with an Anniversary BBQ for Members!  #BACAnniversaryWeek